
FASTER Autocomplete Fields

Creates and hosts JSON files compatible with Autocomplete userscripts.


Optional Excel Reports Regularly Exported to FTP

Sample of the Necessary Configuration

Configuration located at data/config.js.

export const config = {
  ftp: {
    host: '',
    port: 990,
    user: 'ftpUser',
    password: 'p@ssw0rd'
  webServer: {
    httpPort: 9000
  modules: {
    autocomplete: {
      isEnabled: true,
      runOnStartup: true,
      reports: {
         w114: {
          ftpPath: {
            directory: 'autocomplete',
            filePrefix: 'assetMasterList_',
            fileSuffix: '.xlsx',
            doDelete: true
          schedule: {
            dayOfWeek: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
            hour: 6,
            minute: 10
        w200: {
          ftpPath: {
            directory: 'autocomplete',
            filePrefix: 'inventory_',
            fileSuffix: '.xlsx',
            doDelete: true
          schedule: {
            dayOfWeek: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
            hour: 6,
            minute: 15

export default config

Configuration Tips


Install the Asset Numbers Autocomplete userscript and/or the Item Numbers Autocomplete userscript from the City’s userscript library.

Navigate to a page with an asset number or item number text field.

Under the options menu for the userscript, look for the option Set “xxx.json” path.

The path will be something like this, depending on your configuration settings.

-- or --